Our Clients

Our Brain Trust

Art Murray photo

Dr. Art Murray - President/CEO

  • Forty years government, industry and academic experience in advanced information systems development, including over 30 years in knowledge systems engineering
  • Chief Fellow, Enterprise of the Future Program, International Institute for Knowledge and Innovation
  • Author: "Deep Learning Manual;" "Building the Enterprise of the Future: Co-creating and delivering extraordinary value in an eight-billion-mind world"
  • Column author: KMWorld, "The Future of the Future"
  • Current focus: building and curating digital bodies of knowledge; human and machine knowledge integration and governance
  • D.Sc. Engineering Administration, The George Washington University
Saleh Osman photo

Dr. Saleh A. Osman - Principal Data Scientist and Consultant, Data Analytics, AI/ML 

  • 20 years field experience in public policy reform research and long–term planning in developing and developed countries
  • Specializing in statistical analysis-based strategic policy and decision-making supported by predictive data modeling, data mining, econometric and macroeconomic modeling and system dynamics
  • Strategic advisor to governments making the transition to knowledge-based economies
  • Extensive research on long-term economic growth through R&D, intellectual capital development and knowledge generation
  • Ph.D. and M.A., Economics, Howard University
Tom Beckman photo

Tom Beckman - Principal Knowledge Architect

  • 40 years’ experience in developing, managing, and consulting in advanced IT, including AI and KM, enterprise architectures, systems life cycles, and modernization
  • Principal investigator for case-based reasoning systems development
  • Thought leader, author in knowledge management, competency management, and organizational learning
  • Specialization in multivariate decision frameworks, similarity metrics, time-series prediction, recommender systems
  • Graduate research at MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab
Dr Hassan photo

Dr. Mohamed Hassan - Lead Data Scientist

  • 20+ years’ hands-on data science experience in strategy development, fraud analysis, optimization, A/B testing, sampling and simulation for customer acquisition and retention
  • Multiple industries including retail, finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and telecom
  • Customer insight analytics, management, decision science, economics, segmentation, econometrics, data mining, analytics, forecasting, and project management
  • Applying AI/Machine Learning and neural networks to uncover hidden patterns, additional profit/revenue opportunities, and enhanced productivity in large datasets
  • Ph.D. Economics, Howard University
Paul Prueitt photo

Dr. Paul S. Prueitt - Senior Knowledge Scientist

  • 35 years experience in multiple disciplines spanning the knowledge sciences, pure and applied mathematics, and neuropsychology
    Principal investigator for deep learning, visualization-based knowledge discovery and anticipatory systems
  • 20 years advanced search algorithm and service-oriented architecture development
  • Pioneer in social network-mediated self-directed learning in 3D virtual simulation environments
  • Ph.D. Applied Mathematical Sciences, University of Texas, Arllington; post-doc in Physics and Neuroscience, Georgetown University.
Bo Newman photo

Brian "Bo" Newman - Principal Knowledge Systems Architect

  • Senior corporate management advisor, project management mentor, author and active researcher into the dynamics of knowledge flows and multi-perspective semantics
  • Knowledge Systems Architect and developer of business processes and techniques for program management, professional services, and KM Service frameworks integrating business process design, knowledge engineering, and existing processes within the context of the Federal Enterprise Architecture
  • Founder, KM-Forum.org, first internationally-recognized online community of practice for the KM community
Steve Newman photo

Dr. J. Steven Newman - Risk Management; Aerospace

  • Retired government senior executive (NASA) specializing in: commercialization of space; quality, safety and mission assurance; risk management; environmental management; knowledge management
  • Awarded special recognition from the U.S. Vice President’s National Performance Review for efforts in re-inventing government
  • Served as Secretary of the International Space Safety Foundation
  • Speaker, author, and university lecturer in systems engineering and knowledge management, backed by over forty-five years of experience
  • D.Sc. Systems Engineering, The George Washington University
Ms Sheila Jagannathan photo

Sheila Jagannathan - Knowledge Capacity Building

  • Internationally recognized thought leader and book author with
    35 years' experience in leading capacity building, knowledge management, open learning, learning analytics, social learning, and transformation across public and private organizations
  • Senior advisor for capacity development, African Development Bank (Abidjan), focusing on digital learning in support of 52 countries
  • Founding member and Board Member, eLearning Africa
  • Government of Korea and World Bank
    Lifetime Achievement award for vision and impact of sustainable capacity building (2023)
  • ABD, Instructional Systems Development, Boston University: Applying AI for the creation of Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Dr Akbar Khawaja headshot

Dr. Akbar Khawaja - Responsible AI

  • Four decades' experience in Responsible AI, Training and Development (HR), Program Management, Change Management, Policy Analysis, Risk Management, Program Evaluation, Strategic Partnerships, Financial Sector Development, Quality Assurance, Process Management, Information Technology, Private Sector Development, Governance, Strategy, Finance
  • Advisory Consultant to World Bank (over 16 years)
  • Business CEO, Board Member, and Public Finance Advisor
  • Advisory Council Member: Partnership for Transparency 
  • D.Sc. Information/Engineering Management, The George Washington University
Ibrahim Bakhit photo

Ibrahim Bakhit - Digital Transformation 

  • 27 years experience in IT as director, lead architect, developer, and consultant to Fortune 500 companies
  • Top technology officer and advisor for the Government of the Sudan, responsible for country-wide digital transformation, overseeing national and state data and cybersecurity centers
  • Former head, UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) committee on Technology for Development
  • MPA/MBA, Carleton University; Certificate in Digital Transformation from AI and IoT to Cloud, Blockchain and Cybersecurity, MIT
  • Certifications include: PMP; Neo4J; Oracle Developer, OCM, and DBA
John Lewis photo

Dr. John Lewis - Innovation & Change Leadership

  • Coach, speaker, educator, and consultant in organizational change leadership, innovation, and knowledge management
  • Author: “The Explanation Age,” 3rd edition; co-author “Leading with the Future in Mind: Knowledge and Emergent Leadership”
  • Co-founder: The CoHero Institute, creating collaborative change leadership in learning organizations
  • Developer: Option Outline User Interface to support critical thinking skills and decision transparency
    Innovations in banking sector recognized by Gartner as an industry best practice
  • Doctorate, Educational Psychology, University of Southern California
Cynthia Gayton photo

Cynthia Gayton, JD - Intellectual Property, Blockchain

  • Unique combination of expertise building upon ten years professional practice in knowledge management, intellectual property law, mergers and acquisitions, and complex antitrust litigation
  • Adjunct Professor of Engineering Law at The George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • Author of Legal Aspects of Engineering, 10th Edition, published by Kendall/Hunt
  • Volunteer attorney for the Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts
  • Juris Doctor, George Mason University School of Law
David Huer headshot

David Huer - Data Valuation and First Principles Discovery

  • Polymath with notable areas of expertise including: data problems/intangible assets valuation and P&L metrics; failure mode analysis; operations restructuring; first principles STEM inventions & innovations applied to: civil/ mechanical/fluid/orbital engineering; neuroscience/medtech/neuro-medtech; affordable housing; wildlife & ecological preservation and more...
  • Several firsts: for example, defining market-equivalent value of public real property--being used to spend public money to profitably invest in services supplied by Nature to taxpayers
  • B.Commerce, Royal Roads U; Dipl.Tech (Industrial Design Hons), Humber College; B.A. (Hons History/Political Studies), U of Guelph
Dr Mansoor Ali photo

Dr (Hon) Mansoor Ali T M - Director, Education Operations South Asia, Middle East

  • 17 years executive leadership experience in higher education as Administrative Dean/CTO for top engineering colleges in Bharat; specialties include: strategy planning/execution; curriculum development; recruitment, selection and retention; parent liaison; campus communications
  • Develops and conducts education programs for teachers, students, and working professionals across a wide range of career development areas including technical, business, and soft skills
  • B.A., English Literature; B.A. Education
CK Ravish photo

C K Ravish - Learning and Human Development

  • Strategic Talent Management and Learning advisor to CEOs and Boards of Directors, including implementation of KPIs and HRIS systems in three large multinational corporations
  • Established Industry Best Compensation & Benefits systems for two groups of companies
  • Visiting Faculty at various universities and management institutes in Bharat and the Middle East
  • Winner of the Global HR Leadership Award from World HRD Congress
  • MDP (OD And Change Management) Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA); MA HR Management, University of Madras (w/distinction)
Hari Iyer photo

Dr. Hariharan S Iyer - Country Representative, Bharat

  • Chartered Engineer with over two decades multinational experience in construction, manufacturing, global logistics, materials outsourcing, sales and marketing
  • Founder of mentoring and soft skills development network for incoming freshman engineering students
  • B. Tech. (honors), Mechanical Engineering, University of Calicut, Kerala
  • Ph.D., Shree Maharshi College of Vedic Astrology
Adil Ahmed photo

Adil Ahmed - Quality & Systems Engineering

  • Eleven years’ experience in engineering and factory automation concept development, design, and consulting
  • Specialization in quality systems engineering, modeling, and software platforms for engineering design and re-engineering
  • B.E., Mechanical Engineering, M.S.R.I.T Bangalore
Jijie Zablan photo

Eng. Milagros Jijie Zablan - Organizational Transformation

  • International consultant, project leader, trainer, speaker, facilitator, and change agent
  • Human capital development policies, plans, and programs integrated with enterprise knowledge systems and business processes
  • Executive-level workshop facilitator using team building, DISC, mind-mapping, and other tools resulting in increased sales, customer service, and overall organizational performance
  • Successful implementation of train-the-trainer programs in developing and enhancing communication and facilitation skills across large organizations
  • B.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Santo Tomas 

What's important to us...

AKS Core Beliefs

There are underlying, foundational, time-invariant laws and principles which give rise to everything we see on the surface
When we violate those laws and principles, we suffer
When we act in alignment with them, we grow and prosper
The quality of the results we achieve is directly proportional to the quality of the questions we ask
Ignorance is the root condition which leads to all poverty and suffering
Knowledge dispels ignorance, just as light dispels darkness
People can make better choices and become more greatly enriched if we give them tools to access the knowledge they need, and to apply, refine, and grow it
We have a moral obligation to make this capacity available to as many people as possible
With the right knowledge, there are no limits to what we can accomplish

Business Principles

"Lead... take a shot... listen... respond... lead again" — Guy Kawasaki
Business is an experiment, and the market is the laboratory
Deliver the very best knowledge discovery experience possible, so when people see it they'll not only want want it, they'll want to help co-create it
Pay attention to both positive and negative deviations
Energy, focus, and leverage are more precious than time and money...be resourceful!